Thursday, August 25, 2011


Today I played chess again! But you think I lost but I WON! I vs Jacob C it was hard and easy, when I had about 3 pieces left but suddenly I got my Queen back and in the end I won! Chess is very fun for I really want to be king.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Chess 2

Today at Enrich I played leader board chess instead of vs Alana I vs Katie. It was getting hard at one point but I was getting back on track. In the end it was a draw.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Hi Bede.
I was really impressed with your task commitment today. You worked so well during our first session of writing for talent development. I could see you were excited and inspired by watching the videos of the previous winners for the category we are going to enter. It gave you an idea of the high expectation involved. I look forward to seeing your creative side shine through within your writing. You settled well into the afternoon session, which was very busy. It was great to see you complete the SCAMPER activity, as well as starting on "Where in the World". Great effort today Bede - keep it up!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Teacher Comment


It was great to see you and Jacob see your passion project through to the end. Your idea to organise a clothing drive was both thoughtful and practical. When you can see the purpose to your learning, you give it your all. I have enjoyed reading your regular blog posts about each Thursday at Enrich. You are a polite classmate and you are using your time at Enrich wisely. I am looking forward to Term 3 with you.
