Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Today at Enrich we did wonderful things.  We had 3 new high interest stations to pick from:  Physics, Fibonnacci numbers and 3D drawing.  I chose physics.  We made parachutes for physics today.  We had to construct the parachute so that it was the same as each others, but the only difference was the material we used.  We were wanting to find out which material would make the best parachute for an egg to travel in.  I worked with Caleb and we used flannelette material.  The rest of the parachute was made with:
- Our choice of material
- Polystirine cup
- 4 strings which measured 50cm each
- Bamboo skewers (to make holes in the cups)
We named our egg "Double-head Donut".  Our parachute floated to the ground, but the force of the egg hitting the groud meant we had a few cracks in our egg.  We decided that the best material for a parachute was not too stiff, but also not too light.  Next week, we get to design our own parachutes - custom made - and we will launch them from the same place.  I think next time I will have skewers at the top of the cup so that the egg won't come out, as well as some tissues so it is a softer landing for the egg.  Here are our photos:

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Enrich Term 3 Week 3

Today at Enrich we did wonderful things including Chess, Enviroment, and Tessellations.  Tessellations you heard from one of my Blogs it's no gaps and no overlaps.  It's quite challenging but when your finished it off you'll be proud.  My tessellation is birds it's black and brown with blue and green eyes. I like doing tessellations even though they are quite hard.  From Bede @ Enrich. : )